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Writing on Glass

How do we become less polarized? 

Over the last couple of years, we've learned that there is no one magic bullet that can bring down the polarization and heal divides between people. So we approach this work by:

  • Using our platform to support and elevate the voices of people who are modeling the behavior we want to see. 

  • Finding opportunities to connect people who want to work across party lines and support building those relationships.

  • Shining a light on processes and systems that encourage division. You can't solve a problem until you identify that there is one.

We do this work by hosting events, providing thought leadership, and advocating for changes. The last thing we want to do is to replicate another organization's success - if an initiative or a program is working elsewhere, we'll point and share. 


If you have thoughts or want to get involved, please send us an e-mail.

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