It's hard to understate how social and political turmoil is affecting the business community these days. Pressure -- often from both sides -- to take a stand on divisive issues. Social media attacks. Activist shareholders. Unhappy employees. Dramatic policy swings or government gridlock.
Majority in the Middle is a 501c3 nonprofit that is working to solve the problem of political polarization. We're taking an inventive approach, by giving those in the middle a place to gather outside the back-and-forth, elevating voices of people who are modeling behavior we want to see, and working on ways to bring a little more civility and a little less partisanship to our politics.
We have made a lot of progress this year -- including hosting events across Minnesota, releasing our first State of Bipartisanship report (and getting some really good press) -- and we need your help to keep moving forward. So we're launching our first corporate sponsorship opportunity.
We’re all too familiar with political giving to individual campaigns and PAC’s, however Majority in the Middle is neither. Our mission is unique, and in our lending voice to behavior and the infrastructure that could really make a difference in our political culture, means that our fundraising efforts are critically important to the work the organization is determined to do. And what we pilot and learn from in Minnesota we'll be taking to other states, as soon as we have the resources to make that possible.
We know that your sponsorship dollars are limited, and that your reputation is the most valuable part of your brand. So we work to honor both, by using your dollars wisely, and helping to not just protect, but elevate your company as a problem solver.
If you're interested in being a part of the solution, please consider investing in Majority in the Middle.
For more information, to discuss specific sponsorship opportunities in the flier below, or if you have something else in mind and would be interested in designing a custom option, we would be happy to discuss! Connect with our Executive Director or 651-295-8515.